Sunday 27 November 2016

Sketches of the Day: 20th - 27th

This post is dedicated to my daily sketches.  I will continue to do multiple sketches and pick one a day to be posted at the end of the week as a series of seven. This week there are eight pieces because I started this project on a Sunday.

I've really enjoyed this process as the more I do it, the more I am inspired to draw. I find myself looking at the world around me and thinking "I've got to get out my sketchbook" rather than, "I've got to take a picture". The images below are instances over the last week where I have felt the urge to get out my sketchbook and document a moment in my life. 

My Pyjama Legs.
Byro, Pencil, Felt Tip Pens.

This image was created on a Sunday morning as I was sat on the floor in my bedroom organising my work for the day. I wanted to try drawing my legs from a perspective other than the mirror. I experimented with adding bits of colour using felt tip pens. I really like this drawing because I tried a new style and it worked out well.

Mouldy Lemon in the Kitchen.
6B Pencil.

Slightly self-explanatory, a housemate of mine left a lemon to go mouldy on top of the microwave in our house and I thought I'd draw the results. I wish I'd used a different medium, e.g. coloured pencil or watercolour, because you can't really see the mould and the colours were interesting.

Hair Curlers in Makeup Mirror.
Byro, Pencil and Felt Tip Pens.

Here I was doing my hair in the morning and decided to do a self-portrait while I was waiting for my curlers to curl my hair. I used my small makeup mirror as I haven't used it for a portrait yet and thought it would be interesting. I like the result but regret using the felt tips in the way I did and wish I hadn't done the outline of the mirror. 

Hannah Stabbing a Potato.
Byro Pen.

Here I did a speed drawing of my housemate while she was in the process of making a baked potato. I caught her in the moment she was preparing it for the oven and only spent about ten seconds maximum on the drawing. I like it because I think I captured the essence of her action.

Sweater on Radiator.
Thick Fine Liner.

This was a sweater someone had left to dry on the radiator in our house. I experimented with using a really thick fine-liner and I really like the result. The style is different to my usual and I will definitely be using this technique again. 

People on the Platform Opposite.
Byro Pen.

This was drawn on my way from Worcester Foregate station to Banbury station at my stop off point in Oxford. I sat on a bench on platform 4 drawing the people on the other side of the station. It was hard to do these drawings as trains came between us now and again so I had to be quick, but I really like this image. I drew people as individuals in the environment when they stood still after moving, so the scene is made up over time. 

Packing my Bag.
Pink Ball Point Pen.

This is a drawing of my backpack as I was packing it ready to head home to Worcester from my home in Northamptonshire. It was fun to experiment with a pink pen as it's a bit different. I feel like I captured some light and shadow but in future would spend longer on a sketch like this, especially as it is a still object so I would have time to draw it accurately. 

Morning Working.
Byro Pen.

This image is of my boyfriend working on his laptop in the morning in bed. I like the life shown in this image and am pleased that I included the environment as well as the subject as it adds context. It shows a bit of a story and along with my first image I drew this week, (My Pyjama Legs), is my favourite sketch of the week. 

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